Compsoneuria thienemanni Ulmer, 1939ClassificationPhylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Ephemeroptera Family: Heptageniidae Genus: Compsoneuria
Morphology:Larva: Compsoneuria thienemanni is recognised by having gills 2-6 without
emarginations and gill 7 leaf-like and pointed apically; pale dots and marks on abdomen (Boonsoong and Braasch, 2013).
Larva of Compsoneuria thienemanni
Compsoneuria thienemanni larvae are found abundantly in the large rivers at lower altitudes where it is encountered clinging to floating submerged water plants. A few male specimens of
C. thienemanni were found in the mountainous region of Mae Hong Son province (Boonsoong and Braasch, 2013).
- Mae Hong Son Province
- Chiang Mai Province
- Trat Province
Work cited:
- Boonsoong, B. and Braasch, D. 2013. Heptageniidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) of Thailand. ZooKeys 272: 61–93.
narumon@kku.ac.th สาขาวิชาขีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น