Species: Platybaetis nayokensis Sutthinun, Gattolliat & Boonsoong, 2018
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
  Order: Ephemeroptera
   Family: Baetidae
    Genus: Platybaetis
Collection specimen
 - 1 male imago: Zoological Museum Kasetsart University
     - 34 nymphs, 6 female imago, 7 male imago : Zoological Museum Kasetsart University
     - 3 nymphs: the Museum of Zoology, Lausanne, Switzerland


Dorsal view of Platybaetis nayokensis, male imago (A), female imago (B)

Dorsal view of Platybaetis nayokensis, male immature nymph (A), male immature nymph (B)

 - Nakhon Nayok Province

Work cited:
 - Sutthinun, C., Gattolliat, J. and Boonsoong, B. 2018. A new species of Platybaetis Müller-Liebenau, 1980 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Thailand, with description of the imago of Platybaetis bishopi Müller-Liebenau, 1980. Zootaxa 4378 (1): 85–97.

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